
  • Sushma Reddy V
  • Hari Prasad TV
  • Surendra B V



Cholesterol; Cardiovascular Diseases; Hypertension; Triglycerides; Dyslipidemia.


Background: Hypertension and dyslipidemia are strongly associated with each other, and they are the most common risk factors for the development of the cardiovascular disease.

Aim: Compare the serum lipid profile values among hypertensive patients and non-hypertensive individuals.

Method: 30 patients with Hypertension and 30 age-matched non-hypertensive controls were included in the study. From the serum, total cholesterol levels were estimated by enzymatic (CHOD-PAP) colorimetric method, triglyceride by enzymatic (GPO-PAP) method, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were estimated using precipitant and Friedewald formula, by using commercially available reagent kits. Lipid profiles were compared with controls.

Results: The mean values of total cholesterol were significantly more in Hypertensives-202.93 ± 28.44 and normotensives-178.76 ± 37.21, P<0.006. The mean values of triglycerides were significantly more in Hypertensives-139.8 ± 18.72 and normotensives-125.8± 12.34, P<0.001. The mean values of LDL-Cholesterol were significantly more in Hypertensives-141.63 ± 11.59 and normotensives-127.83 ± 14.65, P<0.0001.

Conclusions: As Dyslipidemia is associated with Hypertension, serum lipid profile may be useful in the identification of patients at risk of Hypertension. Hypertensive patients need the measurement of blood pressure and lipid profile at regular intervals to prevent Cardiovascular diseases.

Keywords: Cholesterol; Cardiovascular Diseases; Hypertension; Triglycerides; Dyslipidemia.


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